This particular game was a match of Retrieval on the casino map. The casino map itself has 3 levels. The top level is the roof which is where the attacking team spawns in. The middle level is the main casino floor and has a spawn room for the defending team. The lowest floor is the control room of the casino and, along with another spawn point for the defending team, is where the server room is located. The objective for the attacking team is to retrieve a hard drive from the server room and then extract to the roof to escape by helicopter. It goes without saying that the job of the defending team is to prevent the hard disk from being extracted.
In this particular match, I was on the defending team along with a friend and two strangers. The attacking team consisted of around 4-5 people as well so it was an evenly matched game. When defending on this map, my friend and I had a general system where he would defend the server room while I defended the main casino floor. Basically, I was the first line of defence while he was the second.
I had setup the match so that all weapon options were available (for some reason, a lot of people disabled the tech gadgets or explosives in this game). Just for kicks, I grabbed some frags and the GPS locator which, when activated, shows the position of enemies on your radar for a short time provided that the enemy doesn't have a GPS blocker.
For reference, here is a quick drawing of the map layout based on my spotty memory.
As soon as the game started, I activated my GPS and found that nobody on the opposing team had a GPS blocker. I had a general idea of how to defend this map and what options the attacking team to breach the casino floor from playing this map before. I also had a sneaky idea which I wanted to try out.
Taking advantage of the initial extra setup time that the defending team has, I made a dash for point A on the map. As I hunkered down into cover behind the slot machines, I activated my GPS again and sure enough, I found 2 enemies who were getting ready to breach into the room via the windows at point B. When I heard the tink of the windows being broken, I threw a grenade to point C. The timing was perfect as the two guys got there just as the grenade went off. I managed to get two easy kills with one very satisfying grenade.
As I sat there chuckling to myself, I wondered if they had noticed me. If they hadn't, it would be a great opportunity to get another two easy kills so I decided to hang around. After a short countdown, I activated my GPS again and noticed two guys getting ready to breach into the room via the windows at point B again.
Alas, it was too good to be true. They had actually spotted me and this time, they made a beeline straight for my position. R6V is the kind of game where even a couple of bullets will kill you so I have to admit that at that point, I thought I was toast. Still, I blind-fired half a clip as they were approaching and by sheer luck, managed to kill one of them as they were closing in although I did take a bullet in the arm. As the other one came in for the kill, I leapt out of cover and strafed left while emptying my remaining clip in his general directi9on (yes, I admit, this was a desperate move - sue me). My screen went black (indicating I was almost dead) but the message flashed up on screen "Jokemeister killed xxx".
I couldn't believe it! Although I almost died, I managed to fend off two attackers. At this point, I beat a hasty retreat and moved to point D on the map which was my secondary line of defence. Point D is a good place for defence as you can't get flanked from that position unless the attackers go all the way through the server room and come at you from behind.
From that point, I managed to hold off a steady stream of attackers. However, one incident sticks out in my mind. In one case, there was an attacker at point E hiding just behind the archway so I couldn't shoot him. Unfortunately, the git threw a flash bang and blinded me which really left me with limited options. I could either retreat and hope my vision recovered before he stormed up and killed me or I could take a huge gamble.
As the motto goes - who dares wins! I popped out from cover and rattled off some shots in the area where the attackers head would be assuming he had popped out of cover to try and shoot me. The message flashed on screen - "Jokemeister killed xxx" - and I couldn't help but scream "Yeah" which got me a nasty look from the missus for disturbing the peace.
After fending off a few more attackers, I was actually starting to run out of ammo in my assault rifle. I was down to my last half clip when I heard one of the strangers on my team ask, "Where the hell are the attackers?" (which caught me by surprise as up till then, the two strangers on the team had been completely silent).
Before I could say anything, the other stranger answered "Yeah, there's one guy upstairs in the corridor holding them all off."
Taking this opportunity, I flicked on my mic and yelled down the line, "and that guy needs help as I'm about to run out of ammo!". I can't remember but, in the heat of the moment, I may even have thrown in a swear word. Maybe.
Thinking about it now, I actually feel an immense amount of pride at how well I had been doing. However, at the time, I distinctly remember thinking "What the f#&k have you guys been doing if nobody has been attacking the server room?"
Anyway, one of the other guys immediately heads up to help defend the corridor so I head out to the main casino floor to pick up an assault rifle from one of the dead bodies (it wasn't one I normally used but it was better than having to use my pistol). It was at this point that I realised that there was nobody around on the casino floor which meant the attacking team had finally given up on breaching the corridor and was now trying to reach the server room via a different route.
The game ended soon after this and suffice to say that the defending team won. By the end of the game, I had 15+ kills with no deaths (I can't remember exactly how many kills I had but I know it was 15+ as I got an achievement for this). I was also, far and away, the best player in that match and it felt really good when, in the lobby afterwards, some of the enemy players commented on how good I was.
Good times.
I should add that the above is one of those freak occurrences when everything just clicked. I was extremely lucky in a couple of situations not to die and it really was by sheer luck that I managed to do so well. The reality is that when I jump online, I am generally in the bottom half of the rankings and have come last on more than one occasion.
Still, it feels great to have pwned everyone.
Sounds like fun. Surely you can get a similar experience with one of the other multiplayer FPS'?
Yeah - lots of team based FPS or TPS games these days. However, what made R6 stand out was how squishy you were. A couple of bullets really will put you down and it means that you are always on edge as it is very easy to die.
Having said that, I don't play that much multiplayer team based games anymore. The problem is that I don't have any friends on Xbox Live to play with which means that if I play a team based game, I'm just jumping into a game with random people on Live. Unfortunately, most of the time, people don't even try to play like a team and just run around like Rambo (which is extremely frustrating when you are playing a team based objective shooter).
In the end, its easier and less annoying to just play team deathmatch. Pity as I prefer the objective based multiplayer games.
This is the main reason I have changed my game buying pattern. Nowadays, I only buy a game if the singleplayer on its own is worth the price of entry. Is one of the reasons why I didn't buy either of the Modern Warfare games (the other being the highly inflated RRP being charged for those games).
Yeah, but IMO the single player campaigns for the Modern Warfare games were worth the price of admission. With MW2, you also get a set of "missions" which are standalone scenarios that you can play through at 3 differing difficulties - they are often based on scenes from the main single player campaign. I particularly enjoyed the one where you have to defend your position on top of a building in a port, whilst waves of enemies come and try to take you down. You get access to a Predator UAV, and its lots of fun to blow sh*t up with that.
Maybe, but consider that the first Modern Warfare is STILL selling at over HK$400 (new) and that every other game is around $300-330. Then, factor in how many other AAA games I want to play but haven't yet had time (just off the top of my head, I can think of Fallout 3 and Batman:Arkham Asylum). Now factor in the fact that I'm still replaying both DAO and ME.
All told, considering the pileup of other AAA games, shelling out such a high retail price is a hard sell.
I see your point. Both those games you mentioned (Fallout 3 and Batman) are excellent. I suppose in some ways its a great problem to have - too many great games to play and not enough time.
I suppose there's several approaches to how you manage this:
- focus on the top top games that attract you
- get a mix of top games from differing genres that interest you (e.g. RPG, FPS for me)so that you maintain a degree of variety
I take an approach that is a mix of the above - i.e. I'll try to get a mix of genres, but if there are several stunningly good options in the same genre(e.g. DAO, ME2) then I'll try and get both.
What about you? What's the most recent FPS you've got? Just curious.
Strictly speaking, it would be R6:V2 which I got in May 09. However, if you count TPS games in this category, then I also got Ghostbusters in July 09 and ME2 in January 10 (I'm including ME2 as it plays like a TPS).
Other games I bought since May 09 are Assassin's Creed (in August 09), Fifa 10 (in October 09), DAO (in November 09) and Freedom Force (in January 10).
In case you are wondering, I got Freedom Force as it was only USD2 during a Steam weekend sale. At that price, even if I only play it for a couple of hours, I still got my moneys worth!
btw - how far along in ME2 are you? After thinking about it a bit more, I do have some more comments but am just careful about spoilers.
I've done Horizon, and am picking up further members for my crew.
Re: Freedom Force - yeah, I saw that offer and almost went for it too. I didn't in the end as I just couldn't see myself finding the time to play it with the other games that I had lined up (finishing off DAO, COD MW2, ME2, FEAR Proj Origin) so even if it was only $2, it was $2 of product that I was very unlikely to spend much time on. How is it btw?
I liked FF. Haven't played that much of it yet (approx 3-4 missions) and its fun. Definitely something that I will spend more time on when I get the chance. But even if I don't, at USD2, I already feel it was worth it just to muck around.
Re ME2 - If you have done Horizon, then you have probably already been to the Citadel. If not, ignore the rest of this. I'm also gonna assume that you saved the council in ME (I recall you said you played paragon).
Anyway, I just restarted my third game of ME2 with an engineer (Janus Shepard). I played Janus as a "follow orders without thinking" kind of soldier and he ended up being a mix of paragon and renegade in ME (although more paragon than renegade). Being a good little soldier, he saved the council.
Naturally, being a good little soldier, I take the new Normandy straight to the Alliance brass and the council the first chance I get. And as I saved the council in ME, I finally got to meet them for the first time in this playthrough.
Ooh - boy am I cheesed! After all the trouble I went to in order to save their sorry asses and then report back, not only does the SOB turian councilman say "Ah yes, Reapers ... we have dismissed that claim." but he actually has the gall to give me the air quotes!!
Boy am I glad I let them die in most of my playthroughs!
I saved them in ME of course, being a good little paragon. But I told them to shove it (the Spectre status) after seeing them in ME2.
Still, if you think about it, story-telling them that way makes a lot of sense. Otherwise, why would a paragon Shepard keep working with Cerberus given the events of ME? Can you imagine:
"Hi Council - its me, Shepard. I'm back from the dead and have come to warn you about the collectors who are working with the reapers!"
"Oh golly gosh! Well, you have our full backing to kick ass Mr Spectre!"
"Great! But if you don't mind, I'll keep hanging with these Cerberus dudes even though I hated their guts earlier and even though I don't need them at all with Council resources behind me now, because if I don't then the developers will need to develop 2 major storylines in one game!"
Maybe. I am a little disappointed with the story in ME2 but not for this particular reason. I'll leave it there till after you complete your first playthrough - real danger of getting into spoiler territory.
Don't get me wrong though. I wasn't hating on the story in that comment but rather on how well written the character was in terms of how he constantly manages to piss me off.
What really cheesed me off was the air quotes. I was literally sitting there spitting out obscenities at the SOB (luckily I play at night so the kids weren't there). I never liked the Turian councilman in the first place and it was great when playing the first ME when you could deliberately antagonise him.
In particular, Shepard has a great line if you killed off the Rachni Queen. Paraphrasing here but it goes along the lines of:
Turian Councilman: Do you enjoy committing genocide?
Shep: Depends on the race, Turian.
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