Thursday, July 9, 2015

Game Night! - 3 July 2015

Due to a conflux of some unfortunate situations, game nights have been a bit of a rare breed recently.  Regardless, I did manage to get another session in last Friday.  Woot!

We started off with our current favourite - Yomi!

After going up against Onimaru last time, I actually thought he was a pretty intriguing character.  As my friend was interested in trying out another new character, I took the opportunity to try out Onimaru.  And he really is a ton of fun to play!

Unlike other characters, Onimaru doesn't actually have any combo points.  He makes up for this by having massively damaging attacks.  Basically, with Onimaru, getting hit at all is going to hurt.

Meanwhile, my friend tried out Zane.  Not really sure what to make of Zane.  Looking at his cards and abilities, I couldn't immediately discern what strategy he would adopt and judging by the way my friend played - I don't think he knew what strategy to adopt either.

Ultimately, a 3-1 win to myself as I pasted the floor with him.

Aliens: This time it's War
My friend really likes this game as he is on a winning streak against me (now having won 2 games in a row).  He normally plays the Aliens and believes that the Aliens have an advantage in this game as they can see what the Marine player does before deciding how to react to it.

I'm not sure that is the case but it's getting harder and harder to put up a counter-argument as he managed to get another 2 wins.  That now makes it 4 in a row!  Inconceivable!!

Interestingly, we came up with an issue with one of the cards.  One of the cards allows me to kill off 2 of my marines to clear out all Aliens in the current battlefield.  I played that card and then played another card to prevent one of the marine kills.  My friend was of the belief that this meant I didn't satisfy the condition on the first card (2 marine kills) hence I couldn't kill all his Aliens.  Naturally, I disagreed (or I wouldn't have played the card).

After the game ended, I posted the query to BGG and it turns out that my friend may have had the correct interpretation.

Battle Line
We ended the night with 2 games of Battle Line.  This is one of my favourite games so it was great to end the night with it.

The match ended 1:1.  The second match was a doozy as it went right down to the wire.  I didn't actually get very good cards but it shows the strength of this game that, even with poor cards, I was able to push my friend down to the wire before he was able to beat me.

Great strategy game with simple rules but fantastic strategic depth.