Sunday, April 15, 2007


I finally managed to complete F.E.A.R. It took me longer than I expected. Not because the game is long (most FPS's don't have a long campaign mode) but because of the way I played.

Considering how scary this game is, I deliberately only played at night. When I could turn the lights down low, put on my earphones and get into the game without distraction. Although this meant that I could only play for an hour at most each time, it was worth it. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Monolith have done a fantastic job in creating a really atmospheric FPS.

Although it has its usual Hollywood scare moments (ie something popping up unexpectedly) - there are a couple of occasions where the game really creeps you out.

All in all, well worth the price of entry.

My favourite weapon in the game is the shotgun. This staple of FPS's is done particularly well in this game. If you get up close to someone before unloading a shotgun blast into them, there is a chance that you blow them in half! The first time this happened, I just couldn't help laughing.

I had turned on my bullet-time and managed to watch in slow motion as his body blew apart - his torso flying off to the right while his legs flew to the left.

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