Thursday, March 3, 2016

Game Night! - 26 February 2016

Game Night!

We had 5 people turn up so did a repeat of the games that we played in the last Game Night!

Get Bit!
To get ourselves warmed up, we played 3 games of Get Bit!

As always, we had a ton of fun and at one point, were told by "The Man" that we were too noisy.  Oops!  If nothing else, I guess this proves how much fun we were having!

Also - I managed to win one of the games!  Woot!

Castle Ravenloft
As with before, Castle Ravenloft was the main event of the evening.

I actually had some reservations as I'm not convinced that 5 player Castle Ravenloft works - my main concern being that with 5 players, there is too much downtime.  This is actually based on a previous experience with playing Castle Ravenloft with 5 players.  This time around, things seemed to go a bit better in that the players didn't seem bored during the game.  With that said, I'm still not 100% convinced that the game works with 5 (yet).

We took on the Flesh Golem again as four of the players were involved last time when we lost that mission.  As such, we were eager for revenge.

We initially tried to calm down the golem but halfway through, we realised that we likely wouldn't have enough time to do so and switched to trying to kill it instead.  It was a close thing which ultimately came down to a final dice roll.  Our fighter needed to roll a 9 to kill the golem.  This was our last chance as, if he failed to do so, we would lose as we were out of healing surges and we had PCs down and out.

Our fighter rolled an 8.

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