The first addition to our party was Morrigan, the daughter of Flemeth. Her addition was as much a surprise to her as it was to me. Flemeth offered her daughter to us like a piece of meat and although Morrigan made a show about objecting, she nevertheless joined our party readily enough.
I ought to be grateful to Flemeth. After all, if it hadn't been for her timely assistance, I would have perished back in Ostagar. Also, Morrigan seems to be a highly capable witch and her spells will be a welcome addition to our party. Nevertheless, I can't shake the feeling that Flemeth has an ulterior motive. How far can I trust Morrigan? I have to admit that she was genuinely surprised when Flemeth offered Morrigan's assistance to us. Still, I shall have to keep an eye on her while she travels with us.

Morrigan, and her lovely back, joins us in our quest
Our first stop on the road to Redcliffe was Lothering, a small village on the outskirts of the Korcari Wilds. I wouldn't even have known about this village if it hadn't been for Morrigan. She had been there before and suggested that it would be an ideal place to get some supplies for our journey to Redcliffe, particularly as it was on the same route.
Unfortunately, with the recent battle in Ostagar, the village was flooded with refugees fleeing the Blight. And with so many people in the village, supplies were at an all time low. In the end though, we were able to get some supplies but were charged an obscene amount for them by an unscrupulous merchant.
Even more troublesome though are the lies being spread by that lowlife commoner, Loghain. That low piece of turd pie is claiming that King Cailan was betrayed by the Grey Wardens! We tried to keep a low profile but unfortunately, there were a couple of soldiers from Loghain's army in the tavern who recognised us. They immediately caused a scene and even the intervention of a Chantry sister didn't help. In the end, I had to bleed them before they saw sense.

Sister Leliana tries in vain to prevent bloodshed
Although I would have liked nothing better than to slaughter them like the pigs they are, this probably wouldn't have been a good idea with so many witnesses around. In the end, I sent them packing with a warning to Loghain that I knew he was the one who betrayed King Cailan. I made sure to speak this loud and clear so that all the patrons in the tavern heard. It may not help, but a peasant revolt against the Grey Wardens is the last thing I want to deal with right now.
Leliana, the Chantry sister, aided us in the fight against Loghain's soldiers and she proved surprisingly capable. Turns out that she is a bard from Orlais who was told by the Maker to assist the Grey Wardens in turning back the Darkspawn.
Yeah. Not much more I can say to that. Anyway, the bard is also joining us.

Leliana joins our troupe
While in Lothering, we also came across a Qunari locked up in a cage. I don't know much about the Qunari as a race other than that they are a culture of warriors. Apparently, Sten, as this particular Qunari is called, slaughtered some farmers and was captured and locked up as a result.
I would have left him there to rot but Leliana pleaded his case. Sten also seemed willing to pledge his allegiance to my cause so I figured why not? I mean, I already have a menagerie consisting of a Grey Warden who can't make decisions, a witch with uncertain intentions and a spoony bard. Why not add a sullen berserker to the mix?

Sten joins Aladuchar's Amazing Circus
Shame he doesn't actually start with beserker spec.
BTW: how are you finding it playing as a 2Hander? I found dual-wield warrior to outdamage all other warrior classes?
If you are talking pure tactical reasons then going 2H is prob a bad idea. For starters, you can see from my profile that I don't do the most damage in the group. Also, if you view the forums, everyone seems to be coming to the same conclusion that 2H just isn't good enough in terms of damage.
However, I really like my 2H for story reasons. Right from the start, I had a vision of a berserker dwarf. For me, that vision just doesn't include using a dainty sword or whirling dual blades in a dazzling display of skill. My vision is of a burly dwarf with a bushy beard wielding an axe that is almost bigger than he is and crashing it down with brute force on some poor sods head.
Besides, I'm playing on Normal difficulty so the game isn't so hard (so far) that I have to min/max everything. Particularly as I tend to use really cheap pull tactics (I have Leliana specced with max sneak).
Anyway, so far, I have been able to progress using my party of 2H dwarf, Alistair, Morrigan and Leliana without too much difficulty (although I will admit that I had to start giving Morrigan some healing spells as things were starting to get a bit dicey).
Yeah, I guess I understand taking a sub-optimal build for RP reasons. I'll be doing the same at some point.
I'd also read about the 2H deficiencies vs. other builds, but hadn't really played one yet (first playthrough didn't really have Sten or Oghrain in my party longer than I needed to), so was wondering if things were as bad as the forums made out.
It depends. If you are playing on Normal, then its not too bad. On harder difficulties though - not so sure.
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