Anyway, while we're waiting for my impressions of the game, I thought it would be useful to give you an idea of who my Commander Shepard is. At this point, I should apologise for the poor quality of the pictures you are about to see. Just bear in mind that they aren't screenshots but rather a photo taken of my TV screen.
Anyway, this is Commander Sarah Shepard. She was born in the slums of old Earth and spent her childhood running with various gangs in da hood. However, watching her friends being gunned down made her into the woman she is today.
Deciding that she didn't want to spend her life in the slums, she joined the Systems Alliance military as a Soldier the first chance she could. And she quickly demonstrated her ability in the field. She also developed a reputation for being ruthless. This culminated in the operation on Torfan during the Skyllian Blitz where she got most of her squad killed - although she did manage to complete the mission.
Her ability to get the job done at any cost was exactly the attribute the Systems Alliance was looking for when it was looking for a Spectre candidate. Spectre's are basically the intergalactic version of James Bond. They are authorised by the Citadel Council (the ultimate authority in the explored universe) to protect galactic peace - at any cost. To this end, Spectre's answer only to the Council and are basically above the law. As a spectre, I can gun you down in cold blood and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
This is Liara - an Asari scientist and expert on the Protheans (a race of technologically advanced aliens who died out 50,000 years ago). She is a biotics expert (think magic in D&D) and is basically my bitch! If you have been following Mass Effect, you will know that there is a lesbian love scene. Well, Liara is the other party in the love scene - and now you know why my main character is female :p
This is Tali and she is basically my chief engineer. She is a Quarian - a member of the race that developed the Geth. The Geth are basically sentient machines which were created by the Quarians to serve as slave labour. The Geth didn't like being slaves and so they rebelled and kicked the Quarians off their homeworld (clearly, the Quarians never watched any of the Terminator movies).
Tali is always fully encased in armor because Quarians are used to living in a completely sterile environment. As such, when they are outside of the Quarian Flotilla, they completely encase themselves in their armor to ensure they don't catch any of our germs. I guess this is also why Tali isn't one of the romance options! :)
This is a picture of the Bitch Brigade (as I affectionately call them) on Feros, one of the colonies established by the Systems Alliance. You can tell I am expecting trouble as the helmets are down in case of sniper fire!
And this is a picture of us sightseeing on some hazardous planet. In this picture, our combat suits have been sealed in order to protect us from the harsh environment. Even so, we can only step outside our Mako (the Mako is the armoured car you see in the background) for short periods of time.
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