Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lord of the Rings LCG - Ninjadorg fan made content

As I've mentioned before, I've been playing Lord of the Rings card game recently and been having an amazing amount of fun with it.  The game does a fantastic job of bringing the world of Middle Earth to your tabletop using nothing but cards.  This is especially true for those who are serious fans of Tolkien (this isn't actually me as I've only read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) as the developers have done a really good job of turning theme into mechanics.

However, what brings the game to life for me is the opportunity to go on a grand quest over several different games - with each game building a different chapter in that quest.  You can see some of that in my previous posts about the game on this blog.  I had some difficulty getting the Adventure Packs for this game so while I was still hunting for them, I decided to try out some of the fan made scenarios on BGG (and really, there is an amazing amount of fan created content for this game).

I started out with ninjadorg's fan made scenarios.  Ninjadorg has created an amazing amount of content for different games and is a really well known member of BGG so his scenarios seemed like a good starting point for fan made content.

Overall, he has done a really good job of coming up with interesting twists to create interesting scenarios.  And throughout this, he was able to weave an ongoing story into each mission so that the overall story develops as you progress through his scenarios.  This is a really good way to entice players to keep playing through the scenarios as you want to see what happens next.

Ninjadorg has also managed to explore the gamespace really well.  His first scenario is actually really basic and easy.  However, with subsequent scenarios, he really mixes things up well and introduces different twists in the mechanics to make that scenario interesting and challenging.

I really have to give kudos to Ninjadorg for coming up with a set of interesting scenarios that come together to make up an interesting story while at the same time introducing new challenges for your decks to face.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hearthstone - friendly PvP

I recently got a surprise when I found out that one of my friends read this blog (Hi!!).  Luckily, I hadn't said anything bad about him.

My posts about Hearthstone got him interested in the game as well.  As a result, he recently installed it and has started learning the game by playing against the practice bot.  Not sure how far he has gotten but he did say that he was still in the process of unlocking all the basic characters.

I actually came across him the other day online while he was playing.  Figuring that he might have a custom deck by now, I built up a deck using just basic cards and challenged him to a match.  After wiping the floor with him, I found out that he was still using just the basic decks and hadn't yet built his own deck.

Boy, do I feel like an a$$hole!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Game Night! - 30 September 2015

We had another group of 4 with 2 newbies.  With that said, the 2 newbies seemed to pick up the rules to the games we played pretty quickly and seemed to enjoy themselves so there is hope they might come more regularly.

The Agents
Once again, we started with the Agents.  This was primarily because the game was already out as the host and I tried to sneak in a quick game while we were waiting for the 2 newbies to arrive.  Unfortunately, we didn't get very far but as the game was setup anyway, we decided to start with this game.

The host managed to get the win (his first win at this game!) with some good combinations of missions and agents.  Grrr - I shall have my revenge next time!

Castle Ravenloft
Next up was Castle Ravenloft.  This turned out to be a good choice as one of the newbies had played cRPGs before so was quite keen to play a mini's based board game.  We took on Klak as we wanted a boss to go up against but at the same time, wanted a mission that wasn't too hard given the 2 newbies.

Good choice as we ended up winning the game without using a single healing surge!

I ended up playing the Rogue - the first time I've played the Rogue.  I have to admit, the rogue is better than I first gave her credit for.  Her ability to disarm traps more easily seemed too situation specific to be really useful so I never really ranked her.  However, she has some nice abilities which make her useful outside of her ability to disarm traps.  Would play again!