Saturday, January 3, 2009

EA screws over consumers (again)

Another post bashing EA. I guess I shouldn't constantly bash them considering that they are already on my boycott list. However, considering all the stupid shit they do, its hard to resist as they are such an easy target.

Anyway, the latest issue can be found here. To be fair to EA, this issue doesn't just apply to them as several other big companies (like Microsoft) are doing the same thing.

The Big Issue
Basically, the issue is that if you download a game from EA's online store, you better backup those files (bear in mind that EA says that you aren't allowed to backup those files to a CD/DVD). If for any reason you need to reinstall the game after 6 months and you no longer have the original files you downloaded (say in the event of a hard drive crash, virus or even a new PC), then basically, tough shit as you will not be allowed to redownload the game from EA.

On the bright side, for the paltry sum of $6.99, you can buy the Extended Download Service which allows you to redownload the game at any time for the next two years! Wow - they are soooo nice and considerate....

This is just so fucked up that I really am at a loss for words. On the bright side, at least I now know to look out for this whenever I download software in future.

Whose fault is it anyway?
The arstechnica columnist says that it isn't EA's fault but rather the fault of the digital distributor, Digital River. Digital River are a big company that have some major clients so this problem actually applies to a lot of products.


As the consumer, why should I care who put the policy in place? Bear in mind we are talking about EA's official online store here. EA chose Digital River to be their digital distributor and as such, have to take responsiblity for the policies on their online store even if they were put in place by Digital River.

The fact is that this is another shaft up consumers already tender rear ends.

Why should I put up with this?
Good question - and one which I have no answer for. On the blurb for the Extended Download Service, it says:
"A little extra protection on your order to keep your products safe? Why not!"

Just off the top of my head, I can think of several reasons:
1) If I wanted to rent games, I could do it for cheaper elsewhere (eg via sites like GameTap).
2) If I wanted to buy games online, there are better options where I can redownload at any time (eg via sites like Steam, Greenhouse and Impulse).

Lastly, can anyone tell me why legitimate buyers have to put up with this shit when pirates don't (again, I have to stress that I have no intention of playing any pirated games on my PC)?

One last point
This was just too funny to pass up:
