Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2

Other than the fact that both of these games are RPGs being developed by BioWare, you would think there isn't much in common between these games. However, in a recent marketing move, BioWare have created a link by giving people who buy the Collectors Edition of DA:O a bonus item to use in Mass Effect 2.

And as a result, a bunch of people on the forums are up in arms over what they perceive as a bad marketing decisions.

My own view? Pro-consumer as I am, I find it hard to get upset by this.

In all likelihood, the bonus item offered in DA:O is probably a relatively weak item which will only be of use in the early part of the game. As such, I seriously doubt that not having that bonus item will "ruin" the fun of ME2 for me.

Looking at the arguments of the posters, it looks like a lot of people have fallen for the ol' slippery slope fallacy. In other words, "Oh noes, if BioWare (or EA depending on your view) gets away with this then, before we know it, we will only get a complete game in future if we buy 100 different completely unrelated games!!!!!!!!"

This is an obvious slippery slope fallacy. Just because the buying public accept what BioWare are doing now, it doesn't mean that they will accept any and all future decisions. If BioWare do something in future which the buying public don't like, then you will see that reflected in sales accordingly. Ultimately, the market will decide what is and is not acceptable business practice (but then, I've always believed in strong or semi-strong markets).

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